Some Myths about Professional Photographers.

People think that professional photographers are rock stars……………..Maybe we seem like it to some, but living our lives as as such is another story altogether.

We wanted to write this blog to show some of the myths of professional photographers and the realities of being one. Again these are our opinions and rebuttle on what we’ve heard others think that we do and what we are.

Myth 1.

Any person with an nice camera can be a pro…

This is very much like saying that anyone standing in an office full of medical equipment can be a doctor.  WRONG!!!!! Being a professional photographer take years of experience, and running a sucessful business is not just based on the fact of “owning a nice camera.” Anyone can buy a nice camera just as easily as they can buy aspirin, but it takes talent, experience and a good eye to be a professional.

Myth 2.

Everything can be fixed in Photoshop…

We can say this- Photoshop can do amazing things but it cannot not fix everything, let alone a lack of experience.  We’ve seen people make wonderful things using Photoshop and make masterpieces that would amaze anyone; we’ve also have seen people using Photoshop and make a beautiful images look like train wrecks.  It takes years of practical use to be great at Photoshop, and even then be able to use it to make art.

Myth 3.

Canon is better than Nikon, vice versa….

“My camera has ___ many megapixles, My camera brand can do this…” Blah, blah, blah; cameras today are much better then they were years ago, and unless you plan to be on a billboard, bragging about megapixels is a sign of ignorance.  The brand of camera is irrelevant… stop looking at the label and start looking at the credentials of the man or woman behind it!

Myth 4.

A Pro Photographer can photograph anything…

No, most Professional Photographers are master at their trait, however most photographers are not masterers at all types of photography.  A wise women told me once, “A jack of all trades is a master of none.”  A podiatrist is, of course, a professional physician… but you wouldn’t seek one for your child’s care after a broken arm.

Myth 5.

Professional Photogrphers take pictures every day…

We wish! As much as we love what we do with photography, there are times where we have to do post editing on photos already taken, and doesn’t even take into account the other things that are done to take a raw image to a priceless keepsake.  Our days are composed of marketing, education, post editing, more marketing and then more education.  If you ever hear of a photographer that tells you that they shoot professionally 7 days a week, then chances are that they are not a pro… they’re a “faux.”

Myth 6.

Every shot you take should be in your portfolio…

No! No! and No! This is such a myth, AND a red flag that you may be working with a fauxtographer!!  The reason is that every photoshoot has both good and bad shots, and professional discretion and selection is part of what you pay for with a professional.  A good photographer will choose the best shots from any set that they shoot and display them, not every shot.  Only a Fauxtographer will do this.  A fauxtographer will most likely boast that they’ll give you ALL the shots… because they themselves can’t tell the difference between a good image and a bad one.  Good luck when it comes to printing!

Myth 7.

Photographers can choose their own hours…

If that was the case then we would only work from 10am-2pm!  To be honest a photographer will work with you on the hours that you find best.  There are times in which a photographer will give you a time of day in which they feel that the photoshoot will be best for you, often because of lighting.  Most professional photographers will work crazy hours based on the type of assignment that they are working on!

Myth 8.

Photographers do not need to know about lighting…

This is where most photographers will say that light is not important; if any photographer ever tells you that lighting is not important, that they’re working with the camera’s stock flash, or that they do not know the difference between tungsten or rim lighting, then RUN!  We can not say this enough – lighting is an essential component in any good image.  Lighting is no less part of the photograph than the subject itself and the type of image produced.  If you see a camera walking toward you but no lighting equipment, get ready to ask why.

Myth 9.

All Professionals have assistants to carry gear.

We wish we had an assistant to carry all of the gear to a location! To be honest, most photographers do not have assistants on site unless it is a big shoot.  Most photographer-teams are small, 1-2 person operations and at times will have an apprentice that will tag along to learn and watch, however photography is not one of those professions in which have a “caddy.”

Finally, Myth 10.

Professional Photographers gaurentee professional quality.

To belabor the medical analogy… you would want to guarantee that the person you hire is a professional, of course, but we’ve all been to doctors, attornees or other professionals who didn’t do the job to our expectations.  Just because you called one photographer for an inquiry does NOT mean you’re restricted to using their services simply because they told you they’re a professional.  Get a second opinion and make sure you’re 100% comfortable with your photographer and their business model, whether you’re the one in front of the lens or not!!



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