I was working with a client this morning and she was telling me that she does not know the correct dimensions to post the photography on her Facebook timeline. She said to me that it would have made life easier if there was a guide on the correct sizes for different types of posts so that her photos can show properly. Well, that got me to wondering how many of us know what are the right sizes for Facebook and all the different ways the platform can display images.
I created a list below for people that are still getting use to the layout to maximize their usage and show off their best on their business page:
For the Timeline cover:
Cover Photo:
Width: 851px
Height: 315px
Profile Image on Header:
Width: 180px
Height: 180px
It is better that the photo is uploaded on this size as it will size down to 160px square with the white border that you see now.
Thumbnail for Shared Links:
Width: 155px
Height: 114px
This is for the shared links that you want to share on your page. Most people do not worry about this, however for those that want to show the correct picture size on the link.
Maximum Size for Photo Upload:
Width: 2048px
Height: 2048px
Keep in mind that there are some photo that are able to be uploaded larger than this size, but this is a safe number to work with. Facebook may allow larger sizes in the future as more retina displays become more available in the market. Also Facebook will compress the photo when uploaded so keep this in mind when uploading your pictures. Facebook also recommend the best colorspace to use is sRGB.
Timeline Photo Thumbnail Size:
Width: 403px
Height: 403px
Also again there may be some compression to some larger photos, and some smaller photos may be upscaled to meet this size.
Video Upload Size:
The size of the video that is being uploaded should not be larger than 1280px wide, Also the video FPS should be around 30FPS. Audio should be around a sample rate of 44,100hz (Audio CD Quality) in stereo. However keep in mind also the type of file that is being uploaded. This will affect the size and playback of the file as well.
Video Thumbnail Size:
Width: 403px
Height: 226px
As this is just a representation of what the video picture thumbnail size is not the video size on playback.
I hope that this information helps fellow photographers when it comes working with Facebook and your business.
Any questions please feel free to ask! 🙂